UAL declares victory!

University of the Arts (London) ended their occupation on Wednesday afternoon after receiving the following letter from their rector Nigel Carrington:

“1. ‘Condemnation of bombings of educational institutions in GAZA’.
The Rector will release the following statement through communication channels of the University:
“The University of Arts London deplores violence wherever it occurs and considers access to education, freedom of expression and the role of international law for the people of GAZA and Israel to be of fundamental importance”.

2. ‘Links to educational institutions in GAZA’
The University will consider a request from an educational institution in GAZA. This will be subject to the normal processes of scrutiny undertaken by the University with regards to all partnerships and collaboration.

3. ‘Scholarships’
The University will explore establishing an ‘international humanitarian’ scholarship.

4. ‘Events and Exhibition’
The University will support activities, including the use of appropriate space and promotion, for fundraising and exhibitions to aid humanitarian relief efforts in GAZA.”


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